Fun Custom Window Covering Options

Fun Custom Window Covering Options

There is a wide array of window coverings that you can choose from. Giving you even more options, each window covering has different design choices. In this article, we are going to look at some custom window coverings that you…

Watch a Robot Build a Full-Size House Out of Cement!

Watch a Robot Build a Full-Size House Out of Cement!

Houses can be expensive. This is especially true right now due to labor and material shortages due to the pandemic. Housing prices are at an all-time high. However, one company has a solution. In this video, you will see how…

Porch Pirate Stumbles on Camera

Porch Pirate Stumbles on Camera

Package thieves have become a major problem in the United States. No package left outside your house is safe. Some of these thieves will even follow delivery trucks and snatch up any packages that are delivered. This has prompted many…

Hoverboard Explodes in Familys House

Hoverboard Explodes in Familys House

Hoverboards have become a popular toy in recent years. They don’t actually hover. However, they seem to defy gravity in the way that the two wheels can somehow keep the board upright. Yet, it is not all fun and games…

Man Turns Himself  in Through Facebook

Man Turns Himself in Through Facebook

Most criminals prefer to remain anonymous and in the shadows. However, one man decided to have a chat with authorities on Facebook. In this video, you will learn more about this social media criminal. Anthony Akers was wanted for failure…

Satellite Tornado Hits House

Satellite Tornado Hits House

Tornadoes are destructive forces of nature. A direct hit can mean losing your entire house. However, sometimes weaker satellite tornadoes can spawn off of the main twister. Even a close call with a satellite twister can mean a heavily damaged…

The Unsolvable Lock

The Unsolvable Lock

Locksmiths are trained to pick locks. Sometimes people get stuck out of their car or their house and need to get back inside. This is where commercial locksmith service are useful. Lockpicking is somewhat or an artform. Video Source Most…

The Most Anticipated Video Games of 2022

The Most Anticipated Video Games of 2022

Video games have completely dominated the world of entertainment for years, rivaling the success of television itself. With so many people going to schools dedicated to game development, it is no surprise that hundreds of incredible games are in the…

A Life Of Self-Expression Through The Performing Arts

A Life Of Self-Expression Through The Performing Arts

The area of performing arts is quickly gaining popularity. More people are seeing it fit to engage in performing arts. Not only does it make you mentally strong, but also entails great exercise. Video Source Therefore, more people are now…

The Hottest Place on Earth

The Hottest Place on Earth

California is home to one of the most unique and brutal places on earth. Death Valley is a wasteland to some, but a fascinating wonder to others. It was given this name for its harsh temperatures and unforgiving, barren landscape.…