The wedding ceremony plans are in place, but you are still working on some of the details for the reception. You have the menu planned, but you are still making plans for snacks for the guests when they arrive. You have the table decorations ready, but you are still selecting a few photos for the slide show that will be presented after the toasts. You have also started the research about where to buy a photo booth. Initially, you were planning to rent one, but since you have a college graduation and a high school graduation within the next year, so you a purchase might be the best decision.

Photo booth purchase costs have decreased in the last decade and you are thinking that after you use the booth for your events you might begin renting it out to earn some extra income. Interestingly enough, in a time where people take digital photos and selfies there is a renewed fascination with printed photos again.

Photo Booth Machines for Sale Offer a Fun Way to Make a Little Extra Money
Whether you are looking at where to buy a photo booth for your own events or you are considering a purchase that can help you start a new business, you have many options available. Throughout history, humans have been interested in recording images of themselves. From the earliest of times when only the very wealthy could afford to have an artist create a painting to today when most of us walk around with a camera on our phones at all times, there is a rich history of portraits and photography
In 1988, humans took the first ever digital photograph, and there have been many digital advancements since then. The latest statistics indicate that there are more than 240 billion photos uploaded on Facebook. As of August 2013, for example, 350 million photographs were uploaded on Facebook on a daily basis. In fact, we are such prolific photographers that the number of photographs captured every two minutes today is same as the number of all the photographs taken by all of humankind in 1800s.

If you are weary of selfies and are looking for a new way to capture memories at your new event, a photo booth may be the perfect addition.

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