With so many sources of celebrity news, it can be difficult to know which sources to believe. While one media source might claim a shocking and interesting story, another claims entirely different facts. Which one do you believe? Which one has more credible sources? Which one is stretching the facts simply to sell more copies? In many cases, it can be difficult to decipher the differences and know which media source is providing you with the more reputable latest celebrity news.
Pay attention to sources
Media outlets that do not share sources tend to stretch the truth a little more. It is also more likely that their claims are entirely false. The media channels and stations that cite sources tend to be closer to the truth. Even better is when a celebrity cites their own information. If you are interested in obtaining black gossip, know where your black gossip information is coming from.
Positive versus negative news
Negative news tends to be more exaggerated. When positive news is reported, it is usually closer to the truth. Black gossip sites that share positive news, such as award winners, high income earnings, and positive community events tend to be closer to the true story. For example, Denzel Washington has won two Oscars. He is one of the fest black actors to have won an academy award, and became the second in history after Sidney Potier who won his in 1963. News about Oscar and Academy award winners are difficult to exaggerate.
You do not see many biographies about a celebrity, without their consent. That is because no third party can realistically narrate a full biography on another person, especially not without their input. For this same reason, you will rarely see interviews done by another person, about another person. People simply want their black gossip from the source themselves. If you are interested in learning the truth about an event or life situation, look for auto biographies or interviews from the person in question.
Many black entertainment gossip sites will do regularly interviews on popular celebrities. Oprah Winfrey, for example, has been the subject of many personal interviews. The Oprah Winfrey Show aired for 25 seasons, from 1986 to 2011. With its placement on 120 channels and an audience of 10 million people, the show grossed $125 million by the end of its first year, of which Winfrey received $30 million. Much of this information on Oprah Winfrey was obtained from Oprah herself, which was then shared with the entertainment news channels.
Always be skeptical
Everything you hear in the news is likely exaggerated somewhat. Otherwise, it would not sell as successfully. If you hear an extremely interesting news story, be skeptical, at least until you can find the sources of the information. Always look at the publisher and their previous credentials in publishing accurate information. It can also be helpful to pay attention to the types of news stories they normally publish.
Turn to reputable stations
There are a few Hollywood news sources that are known for their over the top stories. Instead, get your celebrity information from sources that are known for truthful information, such as BET. Black Entertainment Television (BET) is viewed in more than 90 million homes worldwide. As of 2010, it was the most prominent television network targeting young black American audiences and was the leading provider of black American cultural and entertainment based programming. BET has been, and continues to be a leading source of entertainment news, especially when it comes to black gossip.
News reporting oftentimes turns into a competition. The different stations are attempting to gain viewers, and some will resort to stretching the truth or publishing false stories to increase viewers. False information can leave you uninformed. Choose your outlets of news information and black gossip carefully. Choose stations that are known for accurate information, such as BET, look for interviews and publications from the celebrity themselves, and always be skeptical and research information that you are provided.