It’s official. Coffee is the national drink of America. But that’s actually only the beginning of the story. There’s a whole range of brands, flavors, styles and roasts to choose from, which can be bewildering for consumers. For coffee roasters and marketers, the challenge can be to stand out from the crowd. Packaging naturally plays a big role in defining your coffee identity and building a base of loyal customers. But packaging is about a lot more than just appearance: it has to preserve the fresh taste of the ingredients, be easy to open and reseal, and, of course, it should have an appealing design that stands out on the grocery store shelves. New custom designed and printed flexible bags can do all of that, and are sweeping food industries from pet food to custom cannabis packaging.
This country loves its coffee
Coffee is clearly the most popular drink in America, leaving tea drinkers and even beer and alcohol consumption behind. Over half or 54% of American adults over the age of 18 drink coffee every day, on their own admission. And it seems to help. Again, nearly half or 46% of all American workers feel that drinking coffee while at work helps to improve their productivity. The science bears this out.
Studies have shown that people who have taken just 200 mg of caffeine can identify words and phrases faster than they could without drinking coffee. No wonder people take their coffee drinking seriously. This means that they’re also on a perpetual quest to find new brands, tastes and flavors of coffee that feeds their minds. For a brand to be noticed, it has to make an effort to stand out from the crowd.
Custom designed and printed bags
As in all things, and maybe even more so for coffee, packaging does matter. For one thing, there are so many competing brands and styles and flavors of coffee out there that packaging is what helps a brand to stand out. Once you’ve got their attention, you can then go on to educate the customer about the coffee itself – where and how it is grown, the flavor, the process of roasting and so much else. That’s where custom designed and printed bags come in.
Contrary to popular belief, it isn’t that easy to find custom designed and digitally printed packaging. New flexible packaging, which is now used for everything from pet food to custom cannabis packaging, that is printed digitally can be a real game changer. Marketing studies have shown that when companies pay more attention to packaging, they generate up to 30% more customer interest.
Keeping your coffee fresh
Flexible packaging is making waves from the pet food industry to custom cannabis packaging. It has a clean, contemporary look, and now bag labels can be printed digitally for a striking visual display. But packaging design is important for many reasons beyond appearance. Custom coffee bags keep the contents fresh and tasting good from the first drop to the last. When it comes to coffee bag design, it’s equally important that the bag can be resealed or closed securely to preserve the taste.
Overall, about one-fourth or 26% of customers feel that packaging design is very important for their satisfaction with a product, according to a 2016 West Rock Consumer Insights Study. Flexible printed coffee bags meet all of these conditions. In fact, similar bags are used in a number of other industries, such as pet food and custom cannabis packaging.
Custom designed printed bags can be used for everything from coffee and pet food to custom cannabis packaging. They have a clean, contemporary design and can be printed digitally for striking, stand-out graphics.