If you are in search of entertainment news articles, there is no better place to find them than online. Oftentimes the freshest update about a particular movie star comes directly from his or her Twitter page, or a newly leaked trailer has just been uploaded on the web. Below is a list of online resources you will likely find useful, no matter what form your Hollywood entertainment news of choice takes.
For a comprehensive website covering music, fashion, technology, and business in addition to film and television, the content loaded publication known as The Hollywood Reporter combines substantive newsiness with the flash you expect from entertainment news today.
As an supplement to the programs you can find on the cable network E, its website Eonline can give you your fill of a ll the videos, photos, and and trending topics you may have missed from the TV component.
Of course, if you want detailed Hollywood information about movies and the people who make them, no source is more authoritative than IMDB.com. With release dates credit listings, movie stars photos, famous quotes, and engaging discussion about the films you love, this site can also be a great reference for movie lovers of all degrees of knowledge.
IF you have additional questions, comments, or suggestions about where to find great entertainment news articles, see the forum below.