There’s nothing quite like having an outdoor event. Whether it’s a wedding, anniversary party, graduation, concert or some other gathering, if the weather is right, the outdoors can make a beautiful setting. However, the weather doesn’t always cooperate. It can be hotter or colder than you anticipated. Or you might encounter rain or high winds. If you are going to have an outdoor event, you need to be prepared. One of the things you definitely need to have is some kind of covering so that people can get out of the sun or the rain if necessary. You have a couple of choices when it comes to this, and they have both advantages and disadvantages.
Among the most popular months to get married are the spring, summer and fall. June and October are the two most popular months, and both can have unpredictable weather. In June, extreme heat and thunderstorms are a concern, while, depending on your area of the country, October could bring every risk from heat to tornadoes to snow. If your outdoor venue doesn’t come with a built-in shelter, then at the very least you should have some sort of party tent or canopy. There are two main types of wedding tents: frame tents and poles tents. Pole tents are meant to be used on grass or other soft ground, whereas you can use frame tents on hard surfaces. Unless you host frequent outdoor events, you probably aren’t going to want to make the investment to buy a large event tent, so you will want to look for tents for rent for outdoor events. Places that offer tents for rent for outdoor events include event companies, sporting goods stores, hardware and home improvement stores and party supply stores. Event tents can be very affordable when rented on a one-time basis.
Another option to shelter your party guests is to use RVs or campers. This solution may not be practical for large events, but such vehicles do offer nice shelter options for wedding parties, families and other small groups. Unless you own an RV or camper or have friends or relatives who are willing to let you use theirs, this option can be pricey. There are companies that rent RVs, but they are not common.
Ultimately, the kind of shelter you choose to use, whether it’s a borrowed RV or tents for rent for outdoor events, will depend on your type of event, its size and a host of other factors. The key is that you need to provide some kind of shelter if you are having an outdoor event in case the weather does not want to cooperate.