Skateboarding is just as popular as it once was when it first came about. With that being said, many modern skateboarders are constantly looking for the newest in skateboard technology to keep up with the latest and greatest trends. With about 11 million people reporting that they enjoy skateboarding on a regular basis, whether just for fun in the local skatepark or because it is the one way they get from one point to another around town, skateboarding is growing – and with the trend comes change!
The Ever-Evolving Electric Off Road Skateboard
You’re not someone who follows trends. You like modern technology and seeing it grow at outstanding rates, but you want something different when it comes to skateboarding – something that nobody else in your area has. Have you considered the electric off road skateboard, powered by electric but made perfect with your skill? One that you can take anywhere and everywhere because you’re somebody who doesn’t live by the grain? Electric skateboards have many benefits that we just can’t resist, and want you to experience for yourself.
77% of skateboarders prefer to shop with small specialty brands rather than the top brands that they see all over the markets. The reason for this is finding something that is perfectly tailored to your needs, not just buying something because everybody says that it is the best. Electric skateboards are something that is not only fresh off the market, but still rising its way through the ranks because so many people are still purchasing boring boards from huge name-brand companies without actually understanding what is out there for them. About 3.1% of skateboard sales occur in sporting goods stores. This means that people are looking in different directions when it comes to their boards, and only looking for the best and newest.
Are you interested in a new type of skateboard that changes the way you see your favorite sport? Try an electric skateboard for an experience you can’t forget – and one you’ll want to experience until the end of time!