Entertainment news

A few days ago, Christian Bale, undoubtedly one of the most popular and talented actors of the current generation, announced that he would not return to play the character of Batman in the upcoming “Justice League” movie. While a severe disappointment to fan boys across the internet and in comic book stores everywhere, this article from Entertainment Weekly was one of the top entertainment news headlines of the year.

News about movie and rock stars is never in short supply. Since the first movie stars were christened by the adoring public, people have clamored for different entertainment news headlines about them. Whether someone is planning to visit Hollywood to try and become a movie star, or they just want to relax and read up on some fun news, no one will find a lack of entertainment news headlines to browse.

Everyone enjoys hearing about entertainment news stories, just like they also like seeing recent photos of movie stars on the internet or in magazines, whether they admit it or not. The men and women that take to the big or silver screen personify the hopes, ambitions, fears and dreams of average ordinary people every day. Because of that, it is not difficult to understand why people often times become attached to certain celebrities.

It also explains the longing people have for entertainment news headlines about the ones the like the most. When a celebrated actor passes away as James Gandolfini did on June 19, many people feel like something that they loved in that actors performers is gone as well.

Reading the latest headlines about musicians and actors is also for those who want a good laugh. After all, there is no shame in admitting to a little schadenfreude when an actor goofs up on live TV, or makes a gaffe of some kind. Whether people are looking for a laugh or inspiration, Hollywood has always been one of the first places to turn.

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