An Invigorating Trip For The Whole Family Picking Apples And Pumpkins At Apple Hill Farm

With the change in seasons comes celebration, happy times with family, and lots of traveling. If you’re thinking of heading to California later in the year…

…consider swinging by Apple Hill farm and asking about their autumn activities. This beautiful orchard in the heart of Placerville brings in thousands of visitors every year to enjoy the best nature has to offer. From Apple Hill apple picking excursions to craft shows, there’s enough local variety for the entire family to enjoy. Going on family trips can be a little humdrum when you settle into a familiar rhythm. Breathe new life into your free time by reading the list below and learning about the homegrown adventure just around the corner.

There are apples to pick and pies to eat. Let’s see what a visit to Apple Hill farm can do to create your most fond memories yet.

Interesting Facts You Didn’t Know About Apples

Before we get into autumn activities, just how much do you know about one of the most famous fruits? Let’s put that knowledge to the test and prepare you for your trip to Apple Hill events! There are around 2,500 varieties of apple grown in the United States, with an estimated 7,500 grown around the world. The largest ever apple grown (or, rather, recorded) was the Hokuto apple, weighing at an impressive four pounds and discovered by Chisato Iwasaki in Hirosaki City. It takes around two pounds of apples to make your average nine-inch pie.

Exploring The Potential Of The Pumpkin

It’s not just tasty apples you get to select at Apple Hill farm. You can also test your ability to bring home the biggest, most beautiful pumpkin. Pumpkins are composed of 90% water and can range in size from less than a pound to over 1,000 pounds. Pumpkins have grown in North America for over 5,000 years and are still a very fond vegetable to add to the table during the holidays. Pumpkin seeds are an incredibly healthy snack, high in zinc and low in calories…just in case you’re thinking of eating food other than pumpkin pie and vanilla ice cream!

Beautiful Orchards And Lovely Weather In One Place

What makes Apple Hill farm weddings and apple pickings so memorable? It could have something to do with the romantic location. There’s nothing quite like strolling down pathways swathed in vibrant leaves, enjoying the crisp air tossing your scarf. Until just 500 years ago autumn was just referred to as ‘harvest’, which is unsurprising considering the most common activities during this time of year. Interestingly enough, the lack of vitamin D brought on by fall and winter has been found to reduce fat breakdown…meaning you can blame more than just eating caramel apples for weight gain!

Plenty Of Baked Pies And Fun Activities To Go Around

Cake and ice cream may constantly butt heads for top spot, but there’s nothing quite like a hot pie on a cold evening. When asked which dessert Americans would prefer a friend or family member bring to the house, pie was the winner at 30%. The most popular pie flavors are apple at nearly 50% and pumpkin at 35%. That’s not to say there aren’t fans of cherry, huckleberry, and pecan, however! You can find plenty of locally and freshly baked pies when you visit an Apple Hill Placerville event.

Enjoying Autumn Activities At Apple Hill Farm

The best Apple Hill farms can do more than just give your family something to do. They’ll bring out the child in everyone by providing fun, invigorating autumn activities that celebrate the seasons right. Everything apple made can be found right in the orchards, from sumptuous caramel apples to fresh apple pies. Apple donuts are particularly popular with children, making for a tasty treat after running through pumpkin patches and visiting craft shows. Don’t let one of the most beautiful seasons of the year pass you by…

…swing by your Apple Hill season event and create memories to call your very own!

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